Cookin' at the Castello excerpt one: Cocktails


At the time I am writing this post, contributions for Menu for Hope III have crested over $19,000. In just five days, we have generated more donation that we did in the entire campaign last year. Thanks to all you generous people!

But if you haven't yet bid, or maybe are thinking you could bid some more (and couldn't we all?), let me tempt you with some excerpts from my offering, Cookin' at the Castello. This book was built, from scratch, by me and DPaul -- the cooking, writing, editing, photographing and pasteup all done in-house. iPhoto did the rest.

I'll continue teasing you with excerpts up until the campaign ends, December 22. And remember, the winning bid gets not only an autographed copy, but an 8x10 print of any image from the book. Who could resist?



Cookin' at the Castello excerpt two: Bruschette


Menu for Hope: Feed the Hungry, Quench the Thirsty