Menu for Hope: Feed the Hungry, Quench the Thirsty

Like I said, I'm a giver. In fact, I'm so much of a giver that I'm giving away someone else's shit, using someone else's money! It's what I do best.

I'm thrilled to announce that my evil overlords dear friends at ThisNext are joining in on the Menu for Help effort, and the prize is, how do you say, kick-ass. We (you like how it's now "we"?) are giving away one rockin' cocktail party kit, featuring schmancy Modern Spirits chocolate-orange vodka, lusty Godiva chocolate liqueur, a hip shaker, some chocolate and orange cocktail sugars, eight faboo stemless martini glasses that can even pass for rocks glasses in a pinch (for those of you with limited cabinet space!) and a copy of CocktailSmarts, written by the exceedingly fabulous and witty Stephanie Lucianovic of The Grub Report and many other respectable venues.

This is one-hunnert-and-fitty bucks worth of top-notch boozalicious fun, and it can be yours for as little as ten buckeroos (but only if you live in North America). Of course, you could bid $140, increasing your chances fourteenfold, and still come out ten dollars in the black. Do the math.

Seriously, folks, you might have to bid against me on this one! So what are you waiting for?

  1. Go to the donation page at First Giving.
  2. Make a donation. Each $10 will give you one raffle ticket toward aprize of your choice. Please specify which prize(s) you'd like in the"Personal Message" section in the donation form when confirming yourdonation. If you are purchasing more than one ticket, be sure tospecify how many tickets per prize, using the prize code. The code for this incredible prize is UW39.
  3. If your company matches your charitable donations, please rememberto check the box and fill in the information so we can claim thecorporate match.
  4. Please also check the box to allow us to see your email address sothat we can contact you in case you win. Your email will not be sharedwith anyone.
  5. Check back on Chez Pim on January 15 when we announce the results of the raffle.

Remember -- that code is UW39! Now go! Bid!


Cookin' at the Castello excerpt one: Cocktails


Menu for Hope