
Perhaps it's obvious, but this is the appropriate time to say so: I am thankful.

I've been looking back, reflecting on all that I've ever wanted and dreamed of in life.

I wanted to live in a city, one that was bustling and diverse and beautiful. I wanted a home that I was proud of, yet still modest. I wanted to be in a strong relationship with a loving partner. I wanted to have good friends, interesting people who could hold down a serious conversation and yet still enjoy a good belly laugh.

I wanted to enjoy fine things and good experiences, to appreciate allthat the sensory world had to offer, from the simple to theextravagant. I wanted to travel, to know the sights and smells and flavors of the world, and to truly know points of view other than my own.

I wanted work that was challenging and rewarding, that utilized my skills and forced me to explore new ones, and that was lucrative enough to sustain the lifestyle I desired. I wanted to be creative, if not fully realized in my work than elsewhere in my life.

I wanted to be happy.

I got it all, and so much more. 

DPaul and I have lived by one mantra: You make your own luck. If you know what you want in life, maintain a positive attitude and work toward it, the luck will come to you. It's not that luck doesn't happen; chaos is a fact of life, and things good and bad will crop up unexpectedly. But by and large, each of us is at the helm of our own ship.

But still, I am thankful.


The post that wasn't there


How we roll