Pizza quattro stagioni

Pizza ai quattro stagtioni ©DPaul Brown

The pizza parade continues unabated chez Hedonia. For those of you who do not have your own personal pizzaiolo in the house, I highly recommend it.

Lately I've been asking forcing DPaul to make pizza quattro stagioni, "four seasons" pizza. Typically the toppings are prosciutto, artichokes, mushrooms and olives, and they are arranged into quadrants. Presumably each ingredient represents an ingredient, though I'm not confident I know which would be which. Artichokes I guess are for spring, and olives the winter. Mushrooms are certainly more prevalent in Italian food in the winter. So prosciutto is somehow summer, by process of elimination. Or maybe not.

Nablo09.90x33The same four ingredients are used for pizza capricciosa, only they're haphazardly strewn about the top instead of arranged so fastidiously. I would not inflict this on poor DPaul, who doesn't care for fully half the toppings. In fact, I'll stop making him make this pizza now. 

During one of our visits in Rome, we had dinner at a local pizzeria with my family. This was where we first had quattro stagioni. However, as well as the standard four ingredients, the pizza came with a egg baked sunny side up in the center of the pizza. This is somewhat common there, but I couldn't help noticing that it threw off the pizza math. I pointed to the egg and remarked, "il quinto stagioni" -- the fifth season.

And before you get weirded out about the egg on a pizza thing, consider this: Breakfast pizza!


Ploughman's lunch


Cause and effect