The Eatsdropper wants the full sugar and fat version

As I sit here putting together this quick little Eatsdropper, I am watching DPaul systematically shred an 11.5-lb pork shoulder that we slow-roasted in the oven overnight. Neeners! I'll make a deal with you: I'll consider sharing some of our well-gotten goods if you send me some delicious aural satisfaction to eatsdropper-at-seantimberlake-dot-com. Deal?

Man 1: "Oh, that German Chocolate cake. THAT'S what I want right there."
Man 2: "It's vegan, though."
Man 1: "Oh, no! No, no, no. I don't want that vegan stuff. I want the full sugar and fat version."
Man 2: "Just because it's vegan doesn't mean it won't be full of sugar and fat."

- Eatsdropped by Genie at Whole Foods

30-something daughter to 50-something mom, as they peruse the menu:
    "You know, I think I'm brioche'd out"

- Eatsdropped by Anita at Dahlia Lounge

Woman smelling spice: "Mmmm ... jerk"

- Eatsdropped by yours truly at Penzeys Spices


Hillcrest Farmers Market, San Diego


Misty Meadows Farm