The U.S. takes the gold in synchronized Eatsdroppings

In the interest of full transparency, I will confess something that my more regular contributors already know: I keep a backlog of Eatsdroppings. In part that is because they come in faster than I am prepared to post them these days, but also because I like to dole them out in moderately consistent little packets. So, if you've sent me a 'dropping and haven't seen it grace this site yet, have patience.

The name of this post alludes to two pairs of items heard independently of one another by the same person each in a single place. I think they each have a nice little symmetry, and I'd be hard pressed to judge which pair wins the medal. It's as close to an homage to the Olympics as I can muster, and surely not as good as Deb's take on synchro and women's beach volleyball. Enjoy!

Young guy: “Doesn't the BLT have steak in it?”

Youngish girl: “They don't have hummus at a Greek restaurant??”

- Both eatsdropped by Jen at Andrea’s Cafe

Young male diner to the female friend seated next to him, as she tries to empty her glass for the next round of pairings:
    "What do you think I am, the garbage disposal of wine?!"

Male diner to a communal table full of fellow diners:
    “All I need is a beer and a massage and I'd be Kobe beef.”

- Both eatsdropped by Anita at Piccino

Little girl to mom, waiting for the elevator:
    "I know why they called it lemongrass. It stinks. Right?"

- Eatsdropped by Scott at their apartment building

Young woman, weighing packaged berries (and unaware that the packaging has its own weight):
    "You know, this is weird. They put way more blackberries in those boxes than the 125 grams it says on the label."

- Eatsdropped by Andie at Merkur in Vienna

Gringa shopper looking at heirloom tomatoes: “How do they get the stripes on there?
Latino farmer: “Is just nature.”

- Eatsdropped by Anita at the Tustin farmers market

Young, fit woman delivering lunch to obese man:
    "I was going to bring you Subway, but that lead to a confrontation, so we got you McDonald's.  Besides, I know how you like Big Macs.” 

- Eatsdropped by Lisa at a doctor's office

My friend Julie, getting iced tea from a drink dispenser:
    “Oh, unsweetened … sweet!”

- Eatsdropped by yours truly at Old Port Lobster Shack


The Omnivore's 100


The Eatsdropper has to wait for the ELDERS