The Eatsdropper got ridiculous amounts of food by mistake

So who all is going to BlogHer 08? If you're gonna be there, give me a ping. Also, be sure to check out Kalyn's list of food blogger meet-and-greets. I'm very excited to experience it, and to meet so many awesome, passionate bloggers.

This installment leads off with several items overheard by Stephanie at the newly remodeled Andronico's in the Sunset, where they've thrusted all the produce up front to tempt unsuspecting shoppers. I've got a bunch more items in the crisper bin, but this should be enough to whet your palate for now.

Anyway, my motto has always been "more is more," so keep whispering sweet nothings in my ear at eatsdropper-at-seantimberlake-dot-com.

Elderly shopper:
    "What have they done with these vegetables?! They're a work of art! Their prices are a work of art!"

Man to wife and three kids:
    "Look how they've designed this, so when you walk in you're confronted with this display ... of things I hate."

Kid, looking up at the carrots displayed roots-out:
    "Look at the carrot butts!"

Chick on her cellphone:    
    "We're sort of like sisters -- we get along so well that we fight all the time."

- All eatsdropped by Stephanie at Andronico's

Young woman with British accent to her companion:
    "I got ridiculous amounts of food by mistake. I forgot I was in America."

- Eatsdropped by Karen at Coney Island Boardwalk

Her: "Try the ratatouille."
Him: "Why, is it famous?"
Her: "It's good; you like ratatouille."
Him (after trying): "I don't like it. There's too many vegetables in it."

- Eatsdropped by EB at Chez Papa

Woman, smugly: "Last night, we had radishes with butter and salt."
Man, patronizingly: "Of course you did."

- Eatsdropped by Anita at Whole Foods

Patron: "Can we get a pizza?"
Server: "This is a Thai restaurant, we serve Thai food."
Patron: "So we can't get pizza?"
Server: "No, we serve Thai food."

- Eatsdropped by Eric at Thai House Express


Pasta e fagioli


Western Spaghetti