The Eatsdropper has, you know, plain in it
Whew, got quite a load of them this time. I've been sitting on my inbox for a while, so enjoy this springtime bumper crop! And as always, keep sending your overheards my way via eatsdropper-at-seantimberlake-dot-com or append @Hedonia before it on Twitter.
Table of three people: "Yes, three green tea ice cream. We'll share!"
- Eatsdropped by Jessica at Sushiholic
Check-Out Girl (holding goat cheese): "What is that?"
Karina: "Goat cheese!"
COG: "Oh. I only eat the square cheese."
Karina: "Cheddar?"
COG: "Orange cheese."
- Eatsdropped by Karina at Albertsons
One man to another picking out shopping carts:
"We're not at the point in our relationship where we can share a cart."
Woman not loving the lardo pizza:
"If a dentist made pizza, this is what it would taste like."
- Eatsdropped anonymously at Beretta
Middle-aged woman, distracted by toddlers:
"I'm looking for sort of an American-made, Swiss-involved Cheddar."
- Eatsdropped by Anita at Cowgirl Creamery
Crackhead choosing a better lime (to steal): "This one's too dry."
- Eatsdropped by Camper outside Val 16 Market
A twentysomething man waxes rhapsodic at the Eatwell Farms stand:
"They got mad fava beans over here."
- Eatsdropped by Cameron at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market
Ditzy young woman: "What's 'plain'?"
Ditzier girlfriend: "You know, plain. It has, you know, plain in it."
Woman 1: "I love mayo."
Woman 2: "Me too... I just wish it wasn't fattening."
Woman 1: "But it's good for you.'
Woman 2: "What??"
Woman 1: "Sure, I mean, why do you think they put it on Filet o' Fish?"
Coworker 1: "You're skinnier now."
Coworker 2: "No, I'm not."
Coworker 1: "Yes, you are."
Coworker 2: "No, I'm not."
Coworker 1: "Just accept the compliment!!!"
- Eatsdropped by Jennifer in the office