The Eatsdropper puts the kielbasa on that

It pains me to think that it's been over a month (!) since I've posted anything. I'd give you the usual rigmarole and litany of excuses, but you don't want to hear it, do you? Suffice to say that I intend to get back on it soon -- thanks in no small part to Ilva for kicking me in the patootie by tagging me on a meme to write about a favorite braise. Now, I've always been a braisin' hussy, and I have just the thing up my sleeve, so stay tuned.

In other news, I've just started a new batch of olives, and it's almost time to bring back the gayest Christmas tree ever. Sunrise, sunset, and all that.

Meanwhile, enjoy this installment of Eatsdropper, and keep sending 'em in to eatsdropper-at-seantimberlake-dot-com.

Pompous, flamboyant government lackey:
    "We're working with the senate to put the kielbasa on that."

- Eatsdropped by Anita at Grace in West Hollywood

Woman, turning to friends: "There's no Starbucks."
Three friends, incredulously: "No Starbucks?!?!"

- Eatsdropped by yours truly in the SFO international terminal

Woman on cell: "Shit, girl, I don't even dance with my husband like that!"

- Eatsdropped by Alex at the Oakland Farmers Market

Flustered mother of two:
    "God! The next time we come shopping for pyjamas I'm bringing a flask of booze!"

- Eatsdropped by Rebecca at IKEA

Manager: "[Beaujolais] nouveau is like sleeping with a minor. It's the pedophile of wines."

- Eatsdropped by yours truly at Plumpjack Wines

One year ago today ... "You know when that woman in the Saran dress feeds you grapes on askewer, then pierces her dress with the skewer? It's like that."


Pimientos piquillos rellenos de bacalao en salmorejo


The Eatsdropper has the third sense