The Eatsdropper won't sell you a banana

Bananas and bottled water and bank-breaking marshmallows, oh my! Keep 'em coming to eatsdropper-at-seantimberlake-dot-com.

Manager: "We need Splenda and bottled water as soon as possible. Tell Jose to send some over ... Splenda and bottled water. It's an emergency!!"

- Eatsdropped by Doug at Caffe Bacio

Dolores: "Pardon me, but I'd like the banana too."
"Those are for meal deals only."
(holding two sandwiches, two large bottles of water and a largebag of kettle chips): "I'm spending MORE than a meal deal would cost..."
"Meal deal only."
Dolores: "So Safeway won't sell me a banana?"
"Not these."
(Dolores's husband then went to the produce aisle, returned with two bananas, with the same product code, which were weighed and added to the bill.)

- Eatsdropped by Dolores at Safeway deli

Blonde woman, with lots of bling, speaking to Hampton-snobbery friends:
    ""I was so surprised to see people actually take the bus. I mean, some people, like, actually take the bus for a living."

- Eatsdropped by Robin at Estia Cantina

Mother, to kids: "I am not buying you a marshmallow for six dollars."

- Eatsdropped by yours truly at the Ferry Building

One year ago today ... did someone say Mexican gremolata?


Taste-off: Carneros rosés


Eat me: Mutton barbecue