The Eatsdropper is too busy obsessing about himself

I'm still chuckling over this week's first submission, and I've been sitting on it since last Wednesday. Keep 'em coming, kittens! As always, I'm at eatsdropper-at-seantimberlake-dot-com.

Man to woman in sushi restaurant as they are about to enjoy dessert:
    "You got two pineapple slices!  How did that happen?"
    "It's yours.  I took it because you were too busy obsessing about yourself."

- Eatsdropped by Diane at Sanraku Sushi

Male co-worker responding to ordering company lunch at Working Girls'Cafe:
    "Working Girls ... can boys go?"

- Eatsdropped by Fanny at work

Sign next to where there were in fact samples:
    "NO!! These are not samples. DO NOT STEAL!"
Tall white hippie man:
    "Whoa, that's such negative energy to be putting out at the market."

- Eatsdropped by Shuna at the Berkeley Farmers Market

Visitor to friend, in front of the Zuckerman booth:
    "But isn't it a conflict of interest to have deep-fried organic asparagus?"

- Eatsdropped by Anita at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market

One year ago today ... I lost one of my favorite sushi places. (But its replacement is better ... shhh!)


Drink me: Hangar One Chipotle Vodka


Halibut in acqua pazza ai carciofi