Spring Frolic 2007


Ah, the benefits of an East Bay Monarchy. This year's Spring Frolic, hosted by our Berkeleyite regent Queen Liz, was held in Tilden Park yesterday. Cool breezes gave way to balmy sun as we flaunted our gaudy, silly hats in competition for pointless prizes. Above, DPaul displays his decomposing flower hat while Reese takes in a little sun.

This year's theme was Clowns 'n' Compost, a complex concept to be sure -- yet the judges had a difficult time deliberating for the winner of the eponymous category between the over-the-top compost of glamour chapeau and the beyond-cute family effort with circus tricks and all. But there were many other categories to compete in as well, such as Biggest/Tallest, Most Genderbending and Most Seasonal (DPaul took that one). Myself, I managed to take the dubious honor of Puh-lease, Queen, You Shoulda Left It At Home with my ozone-depleting styrofoam cup hat. I maintained that I should have won for Clowniest/Most Decomposed as my hat, literally millions of years in the making, was made from dead dinosaurs. Ah well.

More photos here and here. Do you have a creative itch that can only be scratched by building crazy hats? Ask me about getting invited to next year's event.




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