Herb-an sprawl


Hi. My name is Sean, and I am a basilholic. Mere hours after I composed my mash note to basil, I went out running errands. I popped into Trader Joe's for some Gerolsteiner sparkling water (mmm...) and a bunch of ridiculously cheap wine. So imagine my surprise when I saw they were selling ginormous basil plants in gallon buckets for, like, three bucks. So I did what any rational person would do. I bought two, and went forthwith to the garden store for another bracket and window box. Now, odds are that I've crammed too large of basil plants into too small of a window box, but as long as they live long enough to squeak out some pesto or something, I consider it money well spent.

It's been nearly a month since I planted the other window boxes, and they're doing quite well, too. However, I think they may develop an inferiority complex being stationed next to these goliath herbs. A couple more pics after the jump.


I told you they were huge. But look how well my original herbs are doing. I've been pinching them back to encourage shrubbier growth and to prevent them from going to flower (except the silver thyme, which you can't get ahead of). And yes, I realize I bought the wrong color window box. So sue me.


The flowerbox at the top is doing quite well, too. Those tall flowers are called wallflowers. So, don't mind them. :-) I have no idea how tall those flower spikes can get, but there's no end in sight.


The Butterfly Effect, part 2


The Butterfly Effect, part 1