Herb-an gardening

We have no backyard to speak of, but we do have an exterior stairway in the back. As we are on the top floor, even the landing between our unit and the second floor is high enough that we get full sun pretty much all day.

But I finally decided to make use of all that sun power, otherwise going to waste, by planting a little herb garden. (All the better for this week's Weekend Herb Blogging hosted this week on Absolutely Green!) Well, actually two. In these two diminutive boxes (I may add more later), I have just planted sweet basil, rosemary, sage, Greek and Italian oregano and silver thyme. Because of the limited space available, I may never manage to farm enough herbage to make, say, pesto, but it will be nice to have the ability to take a pinch of something here and there whilst cooking. For a little added color, DPaul also composed a little box of flowers at the top, which we can enjoy from the kitchen, bedroom and office. More shots after the jump.


Vodka infusions: Cucumber and lychee, part 2


Adventures in leftovers: Faux risotto