Seafood tacos

We were feeling summery this weekend, having finally gotten our May weather fully halfway into June. As we've had Mexican food on the brain of late, we decided to pull out a light, nummy meal of seafood tacos. And because I never, ever do things the easy way, I simply had to make everything but the tortillas from scratch. So off we went to the Mission to stock up.

First things first. After roasting up some chiles, I whipped up a nice batch of salsa:


Plus a bit of guac (not judged in the Great Guac Hunt, as it's not restaurant guac. Gotta play by the rules!):


And then something struck me ... got limes, lots of limes ... big old batch of cilantro ... head of garlic. Sounds kind of like a Mexican gremolata! So I zested each lime before squeezing, chopped in the garlic and cilantro. In the end, I had to add some lime juice and even a bit of the pulp from a somewhat dry lime to reintroduce the bright citrus flavor as opposed to the intense and rather bitter lime zest. But in the end, an interesting and potent condiment:


We marinated the shrimp in some tequila with a wee bit of lime juice and some of the gremolata. Shred up some cabbage, grill up the shrimp and scallops, and voilà!


We bought some very thick, chunky handmade tortillas at the Mission Market, thinking they would be oh, so rustic and authentic. Perhaps that's so, but they really worked out to be too thick and inflexible -- as well as extremely filling! If I had it to do over again, I'd just buy the standard corn tortillas, which were fully half as thick, much more pliable and taste just fine. But no one was complaining too loudly.


Roasting peppers


Vodka infusions: Cucumber and lychee, part 1