Little shots of happiness

As usual, I find the best things when I go cleaning out my inbox. In this case, I stumbled across some photos from the memory-erasing drinking event that followed my last day at PlanetOut. (Thanks, Gwen!) Be sure the check out the shots of me, Tom and Kent doing shots (I believe they were "Slippery Nipples") by picking the shot glasses up with our mouths from the table. Nice.

We had the event at my new favorite dive, Keane's 3300 Club. The Keanes have owned the bar for over 50 years now. The owner's daughter is a friend of DPaul's, so they pulled out the stops for us that night. You see, we forewarned them that  there would be much vodka ordered, so they pumped up the house vodka to Ketel One for us that night. They also threw away all their cocktail shakers, which were plastic, and replaced them with new metal ones. Steppin' up!

A good time was had by all, or so I'm told. The photos seem to support that.

Keane's 3300 Club

3300 Mission Street (at 29th)


Kitchen essentials: Francis Francis X5


Perfect pairings: Grapefruit and tarragon