Postcard from the edge

Greetings from lovely Sea Ranch!

I know you regular readers (both of you) have been wondering about my radio silence over the past few days. DPaul and I have pulled up stakes and spirited ourselves away to our favorite local getaway up on the northern California coast for some much-needed downtime.

We've been all over, but Sea Ranch remains the one destination we return to repeatedly when we want to recharge the batteries. It is in my mind the ideal destination -- beautiful, unspoiled and utterly devoid of activities that might tempt one to put down the wine glass get off the couch.

We've been fortunate with weather so far; it's been sunny and warm, if windy, and the views out to sea have been spectacular. Temperatures are dropping quickly, though -- we had frost this morning, and there's even a chance of snow this weekend. That's ok with us though. Just put another log on the fire.

TSRA (includes maps)
Rams Head Realty (where we rent from)


Wine notes #1


Shopping out a new market in Noe Valley