Mmmm ... beer

Bit of a bummer, but I didn't know until today that February is Strong Beer Month here in good ol' Ess Eff. Brew pubs and bars around the city are showcasing their heaviest, strongest beers, such as barleywines and imperial stouts; 21st Amendment and Magnolia have specially crafted brews for the occasion -- the former leading the pack with the strongest, the cannily named Lower de Boom.

A couple of years ago, a group of us piled into a limo and made a circuit of the city's microbrews. It was a great way to sample the wares, contrast and compare. I've always been a big 21A fan; I was surprisingly impressed with Gordon Biersch; but I gotta say, I did not love Magnolia. But that's just me -- they rose to the top of the list for a couple of our tasters. Most interestingly, there was exactly zero concensus on which brewery was best. In my mind, it means we have high-quality microbrews to suit every taste.

SFGate Culture Blog! thoughtfully notes that these beers are tailor-made for the chilly, rainy days of February. Too bad, I guess, then that we have been topping 70º for several days in a row. On second thought, I'll take the glorious weather and hoist a hefty stout to Mother Nature.

Say hey to Strong Beer Month [SFGate Culture Blog]
Strong Beer Month [SF Metblog]
Strong Beer Month [Gridskipper]


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