New noshing in Noe?

As our friend and realtor Matt Lanning picked up in his blog, a moratorium that prevented new restaurant licenses from being granted in Noe Valley has been lifted. According to this month's Noe Valley Voice, three new licenses will be granted for the business district along 24th Street. Adding to that Miss Millie's pending departure for Oakland creates potential for four new eateries in the 'hood.

The law was put in place 20 years ago, with the intent of preventing chain restaurants from invading the neighborhood. I think it's plain that the local population will not tolerate a Denny's on 24th Street.

I'm pleased. Having lived on the periphery of the Mission for 11 years, I find Noe Valley somewhat lacking in the resto department. I do like Incanto, Le Zinc and Hamano in particular, but on the whole look forward to any additions to the dining scene. Hopefully they will not be plagued by the same abysmal service issues that affect the most recent addition Fresca.


Cocktails by the pitcher


Goodnight, dahling