Adel of a wine shop!

Picture005On our way back from a lovely afternoon of croquet, the lot of us decided to make a pit stop, grab some wine and head back to one of our places for further revelry. Coming up 17th Street toward the Castro, M noted that a certain wine store en route was surprisingly good. Three of us headed in, leaving the remaining three in idling cars outside.

It didn't take long for us to discover that Adel's has a remarkable selection. We migrated quickly into the Italians, digging deep to find a haphazard Barolo or Barbaresco. J asked the fella behind the counter if there were any other Italians, and he steered us upstairs -- the library. We were astonished by the selection of well-aged, sometimes rare and always well-selected wines. There were few true bargains to be had, but when else are you going to find '89, '94, '97 and '01 Ridge zins still on the rack?

To appease the impatient idlers out front I sent the above picture via cell to my other half. The reply: Ar1

Adel's Wine Cellar
1400 Cole St, at 17th


Gussy up a Shuffle


Sticky wickets